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Waxing Tips & FAQs

Pre & Post Wax Care Tips

Everyone reacts differently to waxing.  If this is your first time, it is important to take precaution. Heightened sensitivity, redness, & small bumps may be experienced in the area for the next 24-48 hours.

Pre Wax Care Tips

*Please bath and or freshen up before your bikini or body wax treatment. 

*Do not apply self-tanners, body sprays, deodorants and other topical creams before your appointment.

*We need hair! Hair needs to be ¼ of an inch (a grain of rice). If you’ve been shaving, allow a minimum of 2 weeks of hair growth. If the hair is too short it won’t adhere to the wax.

*Timing is everything! Schedule your wax 2-3 days before beach and poolside jaunts if you plan to sun bathe. If you’re about to tie the knot, let us know! We prefer to be extra cautious for the big day!

*No tanning beds, hot tubs and saunas before your appointment.

*Exfoliating the area VERY GENTLY 24 hours before your appointment. Gentle exfoliation will remove the dead skin cells and allow for a cleaner wax.

*Wear comfortable breathable clothing to prevent irritation and discomfort after waxing.

Post Wax Care Tips

*No tanning, sunbathing, hot tubs or saunas for 48 hours after your treatment.  Since a layer of dead skin cells have been removed, sun and or heat exposure can burn the skin and also allow bacteria to enter the pore.

*No baths or exercise! Refrain from taking a hot bath or exercising for 24 hours following your treatment.

*Apply a cold compress to sooth the skin if you experience sensitivity or irritation after your treatment.

*We recommend at least exfoliating at least once a week to prevent ingrown hairs – the dead skin needs to be removed in order for the finer/thinner waxing hair to break thru the skin surface.

*Hydrocortisone cream helps to reduce the redness and irritation following your treatment. If your skin is very sensitive, waxing may result in minor breakouts or rashes.

*Stay clean! Waxing causes the temporary enlargement of the hair follicles that can allow bacteria residing on the skin, to enter the enlarged follicles and cause skin infections. If an infection is noted, it should be evaluated and treated by a doctor as soon as possible.

Lower Body

You scheduled your FIRST BRAZILIAN WAX... now what?

Congratulations on prioritizing self-care! By now, you've likely received recommendations on waxing from various people in your life – from coworkers to family and friends – and Brazilian waxes seem to be a popular choice Now, what's next? You might be wondering, How should I get ready for this?.. How much discomfort should I expect?.. and I'm feeling nervous! All of these things are very common valid concerns and feelings. But have no fear, The Honeysuckle Tribe is here to help. If you are new to waxing the first step is making sure your hair is long enough. Most clients who shave daily will have enough hair growth after about 1 week post shave. We highly recommend letting your hair grow at least 1 1/2 - 2 weeks post shave. This will allow enough growth at the surface to get a smooth and clean wax. For a visual reference it needs to be about as long as uncooked grain of rice (the kind of rice most of us cook with). If you already have an established skin care routine that is GREAT! You are already a step ahead and will easily be able to incorporate more skin care. If not, that's OKAY too! The day before your wax (24 hours to be exact) you want to make sure you are exfoliating and hydrating your skin. Umm... You want me to do what? Here is the breakdown of what it means to exfoliate: Ex-fo-li-ate - shed surface of skin. You want to remove any dry skin or excessive dead skin cell build up. We want your skin to be as soft and smooth as possible before your wax. This can be done is a few different ways: wash cloth, dry brush, loofah, etc. After you have exfoliated in the shower, and you're all dried off you are going to apply a body moisturizer (lotion). This is something most people have at home and that we are sure you are familiar with!  Exfoliation and hydration are wonderful for your entire body, but it is the essential after care combination when waxing. On the day of your wax appointment come relaxed and ready to wax! Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing. When you're a seasoned wax pro (like your coworker who escapes to wax on lunch) you can get away with just about anything... but for the first time keep it comfy. If you have a work-out routine, try and get it in before your wax (not directly before) but at least by a few hours. After your wax you will not be able to exercise (heavily) for 24 hours. Don't worry we will educate you during your service on the do's and don'ts post wax. As for the level of discomfort during waxing, it varies for each individual. However, we can promise that you will feel fantastic and leave with newfound confidence and empowerment. Brazilian waxing is an experience we take pride in, and we are dedicated to ensuring your comfort throughout the process. One additional suggestion! Before your appointment, visit the restroom and avoid consuming stimulating drinks like caffeine. Since you might already feel a bit nervous, it's best to reduce anything that could heighten your sensitivity or anxiety. Whether you're getting a Brazilian Wax, Bikini, or Full Bikini, these tips and information are still relevant! We are eagerly looking forward to welcoming you to our treatment room and embarking on this waxing journey together.

  • What is waxing?
    Waxing is a tried-and-true method for getting rid of unwanted body hair. "Some benefits of waxing are super-smooth results—it effectively removes hair from the root. Waxing is also fast and efficient, meaning large areas can be waxed at once.
  • What are the benefits to waxing?
    -Long lasting smooth skin -No cuts or irritation from a razor -No dark, itchy stubble -Finer/thinner hair regrowth -Slow hair regrowth -#Winning!
  • What kind of wax do you use?
    At The Honeysuckle Tribe, we primarily use HARD wax…that means no more paper strips! Hard wax is applied at a lower temperature and shrink wraps around the hair to effectively remove it without sticking to the skin. This results in a more comfortable service with less irritation to the skin. We do have a hypoallergenic hard wax for sensitive skin types. It is free of pine rosins and preservatives making for the most comfortable waxing experience ever.
  • Does waxing hurt?
    Of course, there is some pain involved as the hair follicle is larger than the pore it is coming out of, but I strive to ensure your comfort throughout the entire process. I’ll check in with you several times throughout the service and chat to keep your mind distracted. We also use smaller strips, lots of pressure (pressure helps the pain receptors to calm down) and breathing techniques if you have a low pain tolerance. For most, waxing could be described as more of a discomfort than painful.
  • How can I prepare for my wax appointment?
    -A gentle exfoliation 1 day prior to your appointment will breakdown and loosen any built-up dead skin cells around the base of the hair -Take a warm shower or bath right before to open the pores -Wear loose clothing -Avoid caffeine and alcohol prior to the appointment -Some find Tylenol or Ibuprofen helpful 30 minutes prior
  • How long does the hair need to be to wax?
    For any part of the body, the hair should be one fourth of an inch long or the length of a grain of rice which is typically two weeks of growth. If the hair longer, just leave it, there is no need to trim. We like to say if you can pull it, we can wax it.
  • How often should I get waxed*?
    -Facial areas every 2-4 weeks -Underarms every 2-3 weeks -Bikini/Brazilian every 4 weeks -All other body areas every 4-6 weeks *Everyone is different, we will recommend when to book next during your visit.
  • What can I do about ingrown hairs?
    First, no picking at ingrown hairs! It can cause further irritation and scarring. The Honeysuckle Tribe offers several aftercare products specifically designed for treating ingrown hairs. We will match the right product for you based on your skin sensitivity and type of ingrown hair/irritation to help you achieve the best waxing results.
  • Do you have a cancellation policy?
    At The Honeysuckle Tribe, we require a 24-hour notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If you cancel or reschedule within 24 hours of your appointment start time, 50% of the services scheduled will be charged to the card on file. NO EXCEPTIONS. This cancellation policy also applies to NO SHOW appointments. *You CAN get waxed while on your menstrual cycle (MUST have a tampon or menstrual cup in), if you choose not to wax on your menstrual cycle, please plan your appointments accordingly. If that time is unpredictable, please wait to schedule until after it is done to avoid having to cancel. Thank you so much for understanding, it is deeply appreciated! Please note that this policy still applies to sickness and we understand that sickness can happen suddenly and unexpectedly. The policy is in place to protect the business and our time. LATE PROTOCOL Please be on time as we run a tight and efficient schedule. If you might be late, please give us a call as we will most likely be able to work with you. If you are significantly late, there is a possibility you may not be able to receive one or more of your services scheduled and would be subject to the cancellation fee.
  • Can I wax during that time of the month?
    Yes! Please insert a fresh tampon or menstrual cup right before any Bikini/Brazilian wax services. You may also experience more sensitivity while waxing during your cycle. Waxing during someone's cycle is totally normal and very common.
  • Can I get waxed while pregnant?
    Yes, you can! Keep in mind you may experience a little more sensitivity when getting waxed. If you are still on the fence about continuing to get waxed or start waxing while pregnant, consult your doctor.
  • What if I have a hemorrhoid? Can I still get a Brazilian wax?
    Having a hemorrhoid is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, it is so incredibly common. A lot of times people wonder if the butt strip is still possible when getting a Brazilian wax and the answer is yes! We will get as close as we can to ensure you are leaving The Honeysuckle Tribe smooth all over!
  • Can we tan before or after our wax?
    Please wait 3-5 days after tanning to get waxed. This is so your skin will not "lift" during your waxing appointment. You should wait about 2-3 days after your wax to tan. Waxing takes dead skin off so you will be more photosensitive and prone to burning. If you are spray tanning, we recommend waxing first then get your spray tan.
  • What if I am taking medications?
    Taking antibiotics or topical acne medications such as (but not limited to) Retinols, Epiduo, Differin, Alpha hydroxy acids etc. can cause skin sensitivity and skin to lift when waxed. *You must be off Accutane for 6 months before waxing.
  • Is waxing sanitary?
    Yes, we never double dip wax sticks whether it's for facial or body waxing. This is to protect your health and prevent spreading harmful bacteria. No double dipping is the number one thing you need to look for wherever you get waxed!
  • Do you offer any discounts or promotions?
    Sometimes we do! Check out our website or social media to find out current promotions. You can also text or give us a call to see if there are any deals happening.
  • Is there an age limit on getting waxed?
    Facial and Body waxing can be started whenever the child and parent feel comfortable. Parent/Guardian consent is required for any and all waxing for those that are 17 and younger and must be present for the first visit but does not need to be in the room while service/s are being performed.
  • Are your services offered to male clients?
    All of our services are available for male clients to book with the exception of the intimate areas, which are: Any bikini service, Brazilian and Butt.


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